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Welcome to xExchange

xExchange Overview

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What is xExchange?

xExchange is a platform for trading and engaging with decentralized finance running on the MultiversX Network. A gateway for the next billion people into the digital economy.

It is the second iteration of Maiar DEX - you can think of it as Maiar DEX 2.0 - and it is using the same powerful and scalable financial technology.

Built by the same team that has built the blockchain protocol. Owned by the community.

What's special about the xExchange?

Blazing fast: State sharding technology makes all DeFi operations on the xExchange execute in a fast and reliable manner while keeping up with any volume of demand.

Inexpensives: Costs are negligible so everyone can enjoy everything from simple trades to deploying complex strategies.

Slick: Intuitive experiences will ease the next billion people into digital finance.

Supercharged: xExchange is the first DeFi platform to debut the concept of Energy. It takes the “time lock” mechanism for its governance token to the next level of utility.

Metastaking: Unlocks three different income streams for liquidity providers: Swap Fees, Farm Rewards and Staking Rewards.

Metabonding: Supercharged Web3 community building for participating projects.

xPortal App (1.2M+ users): Seamless onboarding - you can use MultiversX’s xPortal App to login and sign transactions on the xExchange. As secure as a Ledger hardware wallet, as convenient as Face ID + tapping on the screen. Additionally, xPortal is super easy to use - it automatically and securely creates a wallet in seconds, using just a phone number (not shared, only a hash of it is used one time for wallet creation).

Why is the xExchange important?

The MultiversX ecosystem has hundreds of partners, builders, projects and tokens. xExchange facilitates their communities and economies to build on each other’s strengths. Value creation that scales with utility and growth.

What is MEX?

MEX is the token powering the xExchange. It is designed as a value capture mechanism and incentive vehicle. It will allow the compelling attributes of economical advancement to scale with its adoption.

What is xMEX?

It is the tokenized commitment of long term explorers towards building the new frontiers of finance. Equivalent in value with MEX, xMEX is committed to a user’s account for a certain period of time. This “lock” duration is represented as Energy, which opens access to more rewards and perks.

What is Energy?

Energy is a new account attribute that scales with the amount of xMEX owned, and the time it is locked for. More energy means higher APRs and a bigger share of the xExchange fees. This powerful new concept aligns incentives for liquidity providers, traders and MEX owners.

Dive deeper into MEX, Energy and the xExchange design: